- Έκδοση
- Βιβλίο έντυπο
- Twain, Mark
- Strothmann, Frederick | Ralph, Lester
- 1η έκδοση
New York,
Harper Brothers, 1931
- New York | London
- Harper Brothers
- This book was originally published as two volumes under the following titles: EXTRACTS FROM ADAM'S DIARY / EVE'S DIARY . Because of Mark Twain's request the books are being published together in this volume.
The private life of Adam and Eve : Being extracts from their diaries translated from the original mss - 1η έκδοση. - New York;London: Harper Brothers, 1931
The private life of Adam and Eve : Being extracts from their diaries translated from the original mss - 1η έκδοση. - New York;London: Harper Brothers, 1931
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